Heritage Salvage is an eco-friendly design, build and supply company based in Petaluma. One-hundred percent of our wood products come from windfall, firefall or existing structures -- chicken shacks, barns, houses, tanks and other structures that were either in danger, abandoned or no longer in use. Most are collected from storied buildings all over the country. The chicken shacks, tanks, and barns are from our own Bay Area!
from the past
Building the Future
By reclaiming wood and building materials from structures,
we save space in landfills and preserve living trees.
By recording old structures and their history,
we preserve the heritage of the buildings.
Our wood supply is very diverse. Our hand hewn beams come from 150+ year old Amish and farmer built structures in the midwest. Our large and storied beams come from the demise of the brick-and-mortar stores around the west coast. From swords to plowshares, decommissioned military buildings supply us with an array of old beams. Old growth redwood supplies come mainly from water tanks, wine tanks and barns around Northern California. Heritage Salvage grades it, repurposes it, sells it as is, or mills it for new construction, remodeling, building, furniture, and almost anything that newly harvested wood might be used for.
a model for sustainable building
“Most of us consider ourselves artists, I find every piece of wood I look at a piece of art.”
-Michael Bug Deakin